As mentioned in our previous ,short blog, Emmanuel received their much anticipated March container a couple of days ago. It w
On Wednesday we decided to give the horses a bath since its been e
Next week is "Semana Santa" here in Central America...otherwise known as Easter week in the U.S. This upcoming week is bigger than any other week throughout the entire year. Everyone goes home during this time, so many of the major cities are virtually empty. Lauren and I decided to do our weekly grocery shopping yesterday (Friday) since we did not want to deal with the major crowds in Guaimaca this weekend. We were told that more people die during Semana Santa than any other time of the year--because of drunk drivers, murders, etc. With the economy in a pretty bad state as it is, we didn't want to chance it with only two weeks until we come home. There is no school during Semana Santa, so Lauren and I will be doing whatever needs to be done around Emmanuel during that time--including working on the blog and website, in the school on projects, helping in the dental clinic, etc.
For those of you that might be wondering, "I know Leo and Lauren are volunteering at an orphanage, but where
When we arrived at the toddler house, they were all playing outside, but needed to go in to take a shower. They all stripped off their clothes and were running around. It's funny to see one little kid running aroun
Today Lauren
This afternoon, Lauren and I went to the toddler house to hang out with them some more. Take a look at the video below to see how things really are when you put them all in the living room:
As you can see, things tend to get a little crazy in that place when you put a bunch of little kids on a couch together. The girl on the right in the blue shirt in our above video is little
Jessica whom we spoke of towards the beginning of our blog. She was the girl that was helping me paint one of the signs that was used in the school. We recently learned that one of our volunteers from Denmark (an physical therapist) has been working with Jessica on a regular basis using sensory integration therapy. She is doing much better now than she was even a couple of months ago. She is always playing with other children, smiling, laughing, making eye contact, and just enjoying her time being a kid. It's awesome to see what a little one-on-one time can do to help someone with a not-so-good upbringing.
Tonight we plan on going over to Robert and Karelia's house for dinner. They are making soup (which should go great with this super hot weather we've been having) and rolls and have asked us to bring some sort of "snack food" (i.e. chips, popcorn, etc.) I'm sure Terrez and Candice will be there to hang out as well. We only have two more Saturdays to hang out before we leave! We have tonight and next Saturday and then we're out of here! We'll have to start making time when we get back to hang out with our American (and Mexican--Greg) friends to replace our new-found friends here. Who were our friends again? I don't remember their names...
The soup we ate tonight at Robert and Karelia's was cow stomach soup! They wouldn't tell us what it was until after we finished considerate. The soup was served over rice and contained coconut milk, mini green bananas, plantains, carrots, potatoes, and cilantro. It was actually pretty good. To go along with the soup were some of Roberts famous honey rolls. It was a very filling dinner...although I don't see why it wouldn't have been since we ate a cows stomach!
Tonight we plan on going over to Robert and Karelia's house for dinner. They are making soup (which should go great with this super hot weather we've been having) and rolls and have asked us to bring some sort of "snack food" (i.e. chips, popcorn, etc.) I'm sure Terrez and Candice will be there to hang out as well. We only have two more Saturdays to hang out before we leave! We have tonight and next Saturday and then we're out of here! We'll have to start making time when we get back to hang out with our American (and Mexican--Greg) friends to replace our new-found friends here. Who were our friends again? I don't remember their names...
The soup we ate tonight at Robert and Karelia's was cow stomach soup! They wouldn't tell us what it was until after we finished considerate. The soup was served over rice and contained coconut milk, mini green bananas, plantains, carrots, potatoes, and cilantro. It was actually pretty good. To go along with the soup were some of Roberts famous honey rolls. It was a very filling dinner...although I don't see why it wouldn't have been since we ate a cows stomach!
1 comment:
You always were good with kids. Looks like you were having lot's of fun. Enjoy the time you have left. I wish I could see what I was writing, Maggie is sitting right in front of me in front of the screen mesmerized by it. I think she's worried you won't remember her since she never wrote or anything.
See you soon,
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