The past week has flown by for Lauren and I—although today (Saturday) has
We have still been getting up every day at 6am to feed the horses, clean up, feed ourselves and then walk to the school. This entire week we have been walking past the “sm
all boys” playing in the park area by the school. The children rotate between various areas at the orphanage throughout the week so that everyone has an equal share of time at each location. This particular group of boys still calls me “El Transportador” because they are referring to the actor (Jason something-or-other) that acted in the “Transporter” movies over the past few years—they think I look like him. I happen to think it’s kinda funny.
One of the boys—Armando Samuel—has taken a particular interest to my wife and I since we have gotten here. He is probably about 8 and comes across as one of those “tough” kids, but is really a softie. I was taking a picture with Pedro (the boy on the right), but Armando ran over and literally jumped into the picture and it turned out perfectly so I couldn’t delete it. He was off his feet when the picture actually taken which is why I think is so cool. A few minutes later, three of the boys decided to try and push me over, but as it turned out I was able to hang Armando by his feet while the other boys tickled him.
When we finally make our way over to the school after hanging out with the kids for a little bit, we sit around and wait for someone to show up. We’re told to be there at 8, but there usually isn’t anyone there until about 8:20-8:30. One day we decided to just lay down under the Honduran and Danish flag while we waited. I think Lauren took a pretty good picture, so I thought I would share it with you. When someone does show up we have been spending the better part of the day in meetings (my favorite way to spend my time) discussing how to be an effective teacher in the classroom (i.e. discipline, decorating, etc). It’s funny because Lauren and I are sitting there with a group of teachers listening to Robert talk, but it’s completely in Spanish so we are using our handy-dandy Spanish-English dictionary to look up words we don’t know. We are probably catching about ¼ of what is being said, but I think its one of the bette
r ways to really learn Spanish. Lauren spends almost all of her time at the school around people that don’t speak English. At least when I’m there after the meetings, I’m working with Felipe who is going to be teaching English with me so you know that he speaks English. Lauren has been working with the special ed teacher who doesn’t speak a lick of English and who might be a new teacher that has never taught special ed. I think Lauren has been encountering more obstacles than I have during this trip, but hopefully her Spanish improves as a result. She has definitely improved on her artistic abilities! She drew all of the signs and painted most of them for the entire elementary school and high school! She finished and the wood shop varnished them for us. Don't they look wonderful?
One of the staff members (Kim) went to
The power was down here for about 10 hours last week which means that we needed to open our refrigerator and freezer as little as possible so our food would hopefully not go bad. When the power finally came back on at 4pm we noticed that the refrigerator was not getting very cold after a few hours. I turned up the temp in hopes to get our food cold. The next day I noticed that the water in our make-shift pitcher was semi frozen, so I turned town the temperature. A few days later Lauren and I wanted to use some eggs to make an egg burrito for breakfast so we pulled out three eggs, but after cracking them open, they were a little more stiff than usual. As you can see in the picture, it took a little work to turn these frozen eggs into the scrambled form they needed to be in.
Lauren, being the sweet and lovely girl that she is, brought some candles (compliments of Gail) to make our home more homey. American Airlines, being the airline that it is, broke one of our big, glass
The orphanage receives new children fairly regularly and one of the most recent children came down with chicken pox. To keep her from getting the rest of the children sick, they have quarantined her in the medical clinic 24-7. Naturally, someone needs to stay with her every hour of every day, including the evening. Lauren and I have stayed with her for 4 hours on a couple of occasions while some of the other volunteers have a break to do other things. Lauren isn’t sure if she has had chicken pox, so to discover the truth about the matter, she e-mailed a family member. They (and by they I mean Marianne), for one reason or another, has yet to respond and it has been five days. Lauren doesn’t appear to have chicken pox yet, but she will be staying with Roxanna (the girl with chicken pox) for a while after lunch today. We’re both hoping that she stays pox free, but if she doesn’t then I’ll take care of her here at our humble abode.
We’re still feeding the horses 7 days a week (6 with feed and hay, 1 with hay only—don’t worry Tammy, we’re following your instructions) and grooming them 3 days a week. On Tuesday we noticed that one of the horses had a cut on the top of his back that was about 3 inches long. This particular horse is bullied by all the horses in the pasture (except for the little colt). We are guessing that he was pushed into the barbed wire fence by one of the other horses creating the cut across his back. We (and by we I mean Lauren) have been putting medicine on it twice a day per instructions from Wade (the agriculture staff member here) and it appears to be getting better. During grooming days, Faith (the momma horse) has been extremely difficult when we (and by we I mean me) try to clean the poo from her rear hooves. She will pick up her feet and move around so that I can’t get to them. We consulted with Tammy via e-mail and she explained to us how to deal with the problem. Lauren stays at the front of the horse to correct her whenever she throws a fit during hoof cleaning. Thursday she was a bit of a pain, but Saturday was the day that she really had a tantrum. She went as far as to kick her foot at me and almost stomp of my foot. She eventually corrected her behavior, but it took some diligence on our part. No one wants to have their foot smashed by a horse, so it’s easy to simply quit and try another day. Unfortunately, if we allowed Faith to get away with her behavior, it would only encourage it in the future.
We have a new team from
When Lauren and I were here with Sandals Church in August, we were leaving church on our last Sunday here and after seeing a white arch Lauren jokingly told Sandy (our team leader), “I could get married here!” Sandy took it from there and got the discussion started amongst the team about Lauren and I getting married while we were at the orphanage. We had a daily team meeting at night and that was the topic of discussion for at least half an hour. Lauren and I decided that if it was God’s will for us to get married then we would move forward. We saw the arch on our way out of church today so we had Felipe take a picture of us to show all of you what we were almost married under last August. We know at least a small group of you are glad that we got married in a country where you were able to attend. We should have pictures of the wedding sometime around the end of February and we’ll be sure to post some of them on our blog so that you can see them as well.
I'm sorry that I procrastinated on sending you a care package. Instead I decided to send you a list of what I was going to send you. Then when you are nodding off to sleep at night you can dream about it :) I wanted to send "dum dums" for you to share with the kids (and remind you of us here at the bank), a variety of candy bars, a few cans of vegies and a box of popcorn. Mmmmmm can't you just taste it? (Hee hee)
Since I have "insider info" as your banker, I made a deposit instead. Just a little, but hope it helps. Love to you both :)
you do kind of look like jason statham.
And it's possible that you got sick from eating the food that the new tennessee team gave you. Sudden changes in diet can do that. Unless the timeline is wrong. Then I don't know what to say about it.
I'm still praying for you guys so keep up the good work and always remember that you're loved.
HAHA I almost called you to say I was visiting Cali. Then I remembered where you were. :D
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